My Favorite Weekend Podcasts

3 min readDec 10, 2023


Every weekend I inevitably listen to at least two podcasts, with the runner-ups regularly being mixed in. Starting with the runner-ups and ending with #1, here we go!

Runners Up

GirlTrek’s Black History Bootcamp

by Morgan Dixon & Vanessa Garrison

This podcast is super informative and designed to be accompanied while walking. As such it gives nice reminders about health, humanity, and intersectionality of race, gender, and place while diving into complex histories and topics touching on being Black in America. Highly recommend the first 21-day mini-series called “Foremothers”.

Machine Learning Guide

by OCDevel

I listen to this podcast when I need a refresher on any ML topic. The language is super down-to-earth with great metaphors to make ML something you can wrap your head around and visualize. My favorite episode of his, “MLG 013 Shallow Algos 2”, is the one in which he creates a voice for recurrent neural networks and Naive Bayes in a spam filter example. Every time I think of spam, I hear his voice pretending to be “a classy English gentleman who sits on his sofa and he has a pipe” as a recurrent neural network versus the very direct Naive Bayes “sitting there, folded his arms [with] a cigar in his mouth” (minute 48, classic must-listen).

Top Two

2. Dataframed

by Datacamp

I love this podcast for its integration of real-world topics related to data & artificial intelligence. The recent episode, “Data & AI for Good, with Marga Hoek, Founder & CEO, Business for Good” gave me hope about how technology can be used to combat climate change at faster rates. It’s a great podcast that makes the world of analytics relatable.

1. Podcast diario para aprender español

by Hoy Hablamos

My Spotify wrapped informed me that I’m in the top 5% of listeners for Hoy Hablamos: Podcast diario para aprender español. I don’t think I’ve missed a weekend listening to this podcast. It’s a great intermediate level podcast for Spanish where Paco & Roi manage to maintain a humorous and entertaining series best informing listeners about Spanish culture. My favorite podcasts are the ones in which he explains Spanish expressions.

Undecided: Café de Datos

Café de Datos by Datlas seems like a great podcast regarding data & AI in Spanish. My only qualm with it is that the audio is not quite as consistently crisp. Definitely open to recommendations on other podcasts. Let me know if you listen to these too or have tried them out and enjoy them!




Written by Nyx

Psychology | Data Science & Viz | Social Justice | Spanish